Prevention of corruption in health care – better health care for patients

“Let’s cure the health care”

Cantonal Hospital Zenica is the first health care institution in BiH to accept and implement innovative software/program for automatic creation and public disclosure of patient waiting lists. Patients of this hospital, but also citizens, non-governmental organizations, media and all interested parties, have been able to follow the updated waiting lists on the website of the Cantonal Hospital Zenica for two years already.

This is just one of the results of the project “Let’s cure the health care” funded by the European Union and  implemented by the Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) and the Centre for Civic Initatives (CCI). The project gathered 15 health care institutions, health care practitioners, civil society organizations and institutions aiming to fight against corruption in the health care sector and provide efficient and affordable health care services to citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The key results of this project worth 490,000 euros provided by the European Union were presented at the final project conference “Prevention of corruption in the health care sector – presentation of good practices”, held today in Sarajevo.

The fight against corruption is a top priority of the Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU membership application. And this project is strictly related to it. During the COVID-19 pandemic we have learned how important the functioning of the health care system is, especially in term of equal access to health services for all patients. Equal access to health is not just about delivery of services but it is also about TRANSPARENCY, and equality of the citizens wich require policy and legislative changes, that to ensure the ultimate goal – a more efficient patient care.

This project has shown how it can be done, and we hope that many will join the initiatives launched during its implementation“, said Enrico Visentin Programme Manager for Judiciary and Anti-corruption at the EU Delegation to BiH,

This project is part of a broader EU strategy in the Rule of Law sector which aim to step up the fight of corruption by increasing the involvement of relevant CSOs

The Memorandum of Cooperation with the project was signed by: Cantonal Hospital Bihać; Travnik Health Center; Lopare Health Center; Doboj Health Center; Banja Luka Health Center; Abdulah Nakaš General Hospital Sarajevo; UKC Tuzla; Bijeljina Health Center; Hospital Gradiška ; Foča University Hospital; Brčko Health Center; Tomislavgrad Health Center; Health Center “Isak Samokovlija” Goražde; Konjic General Hospital; Cantonal Hospital Zenica.

The result of this partnership is a systematic introduction of new anti-corruption internal acts in the segments of public procurement, conflict of interest, human resources management and financial management. So far, 15 new Rulebooks and other internal acts have been adopted, and about 30 are in the process of adoption. This will significantly improve the corruption prevention system in these areas, which can result in financial savings, better trained medical workers and better health care for patients,” said Emsad Dizdarević, project manager of TI BiH.

The project “Let’s cure the health care” has, to a large extent, contributed to the adoption of entity strategies for the development of internal financial control systems in the public sector. Also, one of the long-term results is establishment of the Coalition for Monitoring and Advocating the Fight against Corruption in Health Care, which will, in the upcoming period, strive to respond to the challenges in this area and will continue to work, particularly at the local level.

The project for the prevention and combat of corruption in the healthcare (Cure the health care), which is funded by the European Union in amount of 490,000 Euro, aims to contribute to reducing risks of corruption in the healthcare sector in BiH through improvement of transparency, accountability and integrity in 15 public healthcare institutions in BiH and establishment of systemic preventive solutions in areas of risk of corruption. More information on the project is available at

For more detailed information contact Ana Lučić, menadžer za odnose sa medijima CCI,, 063 396 519