Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

OHR, Oleg Milisic

EUFOR, Nicholas Foster



Citizenship Review Commission Mandate

The mandate of the State Commission for the Review of Decisions on
Naturalisation of Foreign Citizens, established by the Decision of the Council
of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina of 16 February 2006, is due to expire on

The Commission was established with a one-year mandate to review
naturalisations of foreign citizens that took place between 6 April 1992 and 1
January 2006.

At its session of 18 October 2006, the BiH CoM gave its full support to the
work of the Commission, stating that the Commission should continue its work and
tasking it with forwarding its findings to the BiH Prosecutor’s Office.

The Commission has some 1,320 cases to review. Decisions have
been handed down in 856 cases, a further 465 are yet to
be completed.

The Citizenship Review Commission and the review process it is leading are
critical to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s counter-terrorism efforts. They are also
important to building confidence in BiH in the European Union and elsewhere,
thereby helping with visa facilitation. It is therefore essential that the
Commission complete its work.

Under normal circumstances, the BiH Parliamentary Assembly would be in a
position to decide on an extension of the Commission’s mandate. However, the BiH
House of Peoples is yet to be established. This raises the question of how the
Commission will be able to see its task through to completion.

The OHR calls on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutions to consider this case
carefully to find a way of resolving the problem before the Commission’s mandate
expires at the end of the week.



No official statement.