Public Call for Consultations on preparation of the IPA III Strategic Response IPA 2021/22 Action Documents

The NIPAC Office invites civil society to express interest i.e. to participate in consultations related to the preparation of the IPA III Strategic Response (2021-2024) and the preparation of IPA 2021/22 Action Documents.

The consultations will be conducted via e-mail, exclusively in English, and at a quickened pace – due to deadlines set by the European Commission.

Consultation participants will be included in working groups consisting of representatives of institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sectors (sorted by targeted thematic priorities) are listed below.

The aim of the consultation is to design projects (“actions”) that contribute to achieving the goals set in the relevant strategic documents of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union, with special emphasis on addressing the needs arising from the 14 priorities of the EC Opinion and also on implementation of the EC Report for BiH for 2020 and EC Recommendations submitted to BiH after regular sessions of relevant SAA subcommittees.

Representatives of the relevant institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina are ultimately responsible for the results of the consultations and the consultations-based decisions.

The deadline for submitting the names of civil society participants is 08/01/21. Data (name, surname, organization, selected sector) needs to be submitted to the e-mail address:

  1. Judiciary

Increasing the independence, accountability, efficiency and quality of judicial systems; the professionalism of judges and the justice system as a whole – including the skills and capacities of relevant public officials in the administration of justice.

  1. Home Affairs

Fight against corruption, fight against organized crime, security, cyber security, fight against terrorism, prevention of violent extremism and radicalization, migrations and border management

  1. Fundamental Rights

Implementation of all rights and freedoms set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (and its protocols and legal practice arising from decisions of the European Court of Human Rights), gender equality, prevention of gender-based violence, fight against discrimination against minorities, promotion of freedom of expression, protection of minorities Roma, people with disabilities and LGBT +, child protection, data protection

  1. Democracy

Ensuring constructive dialogue primarily through assemblies; strengthening accountability in parliaments; electoral process reform in line with the recommendations of the ODIHR and the Venice Commission

  1. Good governance

Public administration reform, public finance management, public procurements, statistics, economic governance

  1. Environment and Climate Change

Achieving EU standards in the field of environmental protection; support for policies that address climate change

  1. Transport, Digital Economy and Society

Promotion of intelligent, sustainable, inclusive and safe transport; removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures; improving access to digital technologies and services; accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy; promoting the transition to clean energy and the European integrated energy market

  1. Energy

Energy efficiency and renewable energies; institutional and regulatory reform through alignment with the EU acquis; progressive integration and interconnection with the EU energy market

  1. Education

Access to education and quality of education including vocational education, training opportunities and lifelong learning at all levels

  1. Employment

Strengthening quality employment and access to the labor market; reducing the share of informal employment and promoting social protection; inclusion and poverty alleviation.

  1. Social protection and inclusion

Strengthening community-based services with an emphasis on child protection systems; strengthening social entrepreneurship in line with EU standards

  1. Healthcare

Health system reforms with respect to coverage standards and standards of care for the population as a whole.

  1. Competitiveness

Improvements in the business environment and investment climate; strengthening research, technological development and innovation.

  1. Agriculture and Rural Development

Strengthening agriculture for market competition and progressive alignment with the EU legal framework (including rural development, veterinary medicine, food safety and plant health