IPA 2018-2020: EU refocuses priorities of its technical and financial support to advance the reform process in the Western Balkans

The European Commission adopted a set of revised priorities for the EU’s financial assistance for the period 2018-2020 to further encourage the reform-process in the Western Balkans.

The newly revised multiannual strategies of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) for the period 2018-2020 map out a set of reoriented priorities of the EU’s financial assistance for the coming years. Taking into account the latest developments in the Western Balkans, the refocused assistance aims to enhance the impact of the EU’s financial support while facilitating the implementation of comprehensive reforms in key areas. The multiannual strategies were revised in close cooperation with partner governments, civil society representatives, international financial institutions and international organisations.

The revisions of the multiannual strategies are adjusted in line with the Strategy for the Western Balkans, notably the Six Flagship Initiatives, as well as the specific priorities highlighted in the Enlargement Package 2018. In particular, the refocused assistance aims at strengthening reform efforts in specific areas of common interest such as the rule of law, security and migration, socio-economic development, transport and energy connectivity, digital agenda, reconciliation and good neighbourly relations. Reforms in these areas will bring concrete benefits to citizens through economic growth and jobs, social coherence and peace and stability in the region.

More info

Strategy papers: https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/news_corner/key-documents_en?field_file_theme_tid%5B%5D=192
