With the EU support the position of hard-to-employ categories in Doboj and Modrica is improving

As one of the activities of the project “Education to Employment”, funded by the European Union, and implemented by the Center for the Promotion of European Values “Europlus”, a training is being conducted in Doboj for twelve trainees under the training program for sewers.

The future sewers are being trained for the needs of the Doboj textile sector, and after the public advertisement, trainees were selected in cooperation with the company “Premier”, where practical training is performed.

After the completion of the training, the “Premier” should employ at least 70% of the trainees. After successfully completing classes and passing the final exam, they will receive the Certificate of Competence, which has the power of a publicly valid document.

The training program consists of 29 theoretical and 521 practical classes for which “Premier” has provided spatial and technical resources, while the theoretical classes are held in classrooms.
For the realization of the training, according to a predetermined curriculum, professional lecturers were contracted from the Institution for Adult Education “Educational Center” Bijeljina.

Within the same project, “Education to Employment”, a training is also being implemented in Modrica, where twenty participants of the training program for making top parts of shoes are trained for the economy sector of the municipality of Modrica.

The “Education to Employment” project, funded by the European Union in the amount of approximately EUR 230.000, is being implemented with the aim of improving the position of hard-to-employ categories. It lasts two years, and through nine activities it is implemented in Doboj, Modrica and Derventa. The partner organisation is the Association of Citizens “BiosPLUS” from Derventa, and the project is implemented in cooperation with the Institute for Adult Learning of the Republic of Srpska.
