EUD/EUSR welcomes BiH Human Rights Ombudsmen Appointment

The Delegation of the European Union and EU Special Representative in BiH welcome the appointment of Ljubinko Mitrović, Jasminka Džumhur and Nives Jukić as Ombudspersons to the Institution of Ombudsmen for Human Rights of BiH.

With the vote in the BiH House of Peoples this long overdue appointment procedure has now been completed. An accountable, independent and efficient Ombudspersons’ Institution is one of the most important prerequisite for European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of human rights.

To this end, EUD/EUSR affirms its commitment to support and engage with the institution and the freshly appointed Ombudspersons and looks to the institution to press ahead with its important work particularly in the area of human rights, freedom and combat against discrimination.