EUD/EUSR welcomes adoption of the Action Plan for Fight Against Corruption in Canton Sarajevo

Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, EU Special Representative and Head of the Delegation of the EU to Bosnia and Herzegovina said, following adoption by Canton Sarajevo of its Action Plan for the fight against corruption:

“We welcome the proactive engagement of the Government of Canton Sarajevo in drafting and adopting an Action Plan for the Fight Against Corruption. The Cantonal Government has made a serious step forward in taking relevant actions at their jurisdiction level for the prevention and repression of corruptive activities. However, in the fight against corruption only results matter, and we hope that the cantonal authorities will demonstrate a track record of results in the implementation of the Action Plan, which shall also be coordinated with other competent players, from law enforcement agencies to prosecutor’s office and courts.

“We invite all cantonal authorities to consider drafting and adopting strategies and action plans for the fight against corruption, in line with the basic principles of the BiH Strategy for fight Against Corruption. Mandating anticorruption preventive bodies is yet another obligation of all cantonal authorities that remains to be completed, in order to have more effective and concerted action in the fight against corruption.”