Maximum effectiveness needed in BiH Parliament to move towards EU

The need for an efficient and focused legislative effort among Bosnia and Herzegovina’s parliamentarians has never been greater, if the country is to see its Stabilisation and Association Agreement enter into force said Head of the Delegation of the European Union/EU Special Representative Ambassador Peter Sorensen following his visit to the BiH Parliament Collegium on 19 January. Elected MPs are uniquely qualified to begin the change that the country needs, he stated. 

The BiH Parliament has a key role to play in ensuring that State Aid and Census Laws are adopted as a matter of urgency. The Parliament also has a key role in ensuring that BiH undertakes credible efforts in implementing the Sejdic-Finci ruling.

Ambassador Sorensen said:

“The EU wants Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a member of the Union. Throughout the process, the parliamentarians of Bosnia and Herzegovina can count on our support. Bosnia and Herzegovina must not be left behind while other countries in the region move forward towards the EU. This is not only a clear message from the European Union but also the expectation of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”