EUD/EUSR joins the marking of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

The EU Delegation and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina displayed the rainbow flag in the EU House in Sarajevo to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17 May.

The Day is an annual landmark event to draw the attention of decision makers, the media, the public, opinion leaders and local authorities to the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people and all those who do not conform to majority sexual and gender norms.

It was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, social movements, the public and the media to the violence and discrimination experienced by LGBTI people internationally.

May 17 is now marked in more than 130 countries, including 37 where same-sex acts are illegal. 1600 events were reported from 1280 organizations around the world in 2014. These mobilisations unite millions of people in support of the recognition of human rights for all, irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

The date of 17 May was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.

The International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia has received official recognition from several States, international institutions as the European Parliament, and by countless local authorities. Most United Nations agencies also mark the Day with specific events.

Find out more about The International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia at:

Read here the policy guidelines of the EU on supporting human rights of LGBTI people:

Read more about the EU’s work to promote and defend the rights of LGBTI people at: