Joint Statement by the Delegation of the European Union/EU Special Representative and the Embassy of the United States on Efforts to Resolve the Federation Government Impasse

Ambassador Patrick Moon and Ambassador Peter Sorensen said:

“We have consistently said that dialogue between the two sides was necessary to find a local solution and we were encouraged to see dialogue this past week.

“As is clear from their public statements in recent days, unfortunately leaders on both sides continue making unrealistic demands. Repeated calls by the two HDZ parties for President Budimir’s replacement do nothing to build the trust necessary for achieving a successful outcome. On the part of President Budimir, it is unrealistic to demand the adoption of certain laws or to place a veto on who will serve as ministers in the government.

“Both sides will need to compromise. We believe the citizens will be best served by a government and parliament of the Federation capable of taking decisions to address the economic and social problems of the Federation, rather than seeking or holding on to power simply to ensure positions for supporters, friends or family. Continued stalemate serves no one. We now need to see an agreement that truly serves the best interests of the citizens of the Federation.”