Statement on the 5th Interim Sub-committee on Innovation, Information Society, Social Policy & Public Health

The 5th Interim Sub-committee meeting on Innovation, Information Society, Social Policy and Public Health, scheduled for 4 June in Sarajevo, has been cancelled by the European Commission, due to the inability of the BiH authorities to reach a common position on the topics to be discussed.

A structure of Committees and Sub-committees has been established under the Stabilisation and Association/Interim Agreement as joint EU-BiH bodies. These are fora for policy dialogue between the EU institutions and the authorities to review the country’s progress regarding approximation, implementation and enforcement of legislation in relevant areas. They also serve as fora for further clarification of the EU law, and review the progress made by BiH in conforming to the EU law in line with the commitments made in the Interim Agreement. The European Commission provides advice, recommendations and technical support to BiH authorities in pursuing necessary reforms. This is the fifth year of the work of such joint structures under the Interim Agreement, because the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) could not enter into force yet. All in all, this structure is an important tool for the BiH authorities to achieve progress in the EU Integration process.

The latest cycle of the sub-committee meetings has been marked by the inability by BiH participants to present a clear position on the transposition of the EU legislation and their sectorial policies. Unfortunately, these are reforms in areas which have a significant impact on citizens’ everyday life. As an example, due to this cancellation, issues such as better education, improving health policies, achieving a more targeted social policy, stronger innovation, a real information society and better quality media, could not be discussed. We regret that BiH has lost the opportunity to benefit from this meeting, which is primarily in the interest of its citizens.