In terms of cultural development and the preservation of BiH’s uniqueness and diversity, do you feel that world should know a lot more about BiH’s culture?

Cviko Blagojevic,  Bijeljina

The less culture we have, the more we are expected to glorify it. The problem arises because people from BiH do not often travel, and it’s pretty devastating, because travelling is the way to “spread knowledge about our culture”. So if a foreigner wants to learn more about us on the Internet, web sites don’t exist, or at least aren’t in English. How many foreigners know that, besides Hungary, only BiH has received two Nobel Prize winners in Eastern Europe, one in chemistry and one in literature? How many cities, besides Jerusalem, have within a 100 metre radius, a church, a cathedral and a mosque – only Sarajevo? How many world cities have a waterfall in the city centre such as Jajce? Unfortunately, it all comes down to pure individualism and such individuals, without support from the authorities all the way to the state level, are completely powerless.

Marijana Matosevic,  Kupres

Culture is one of the key elements of society and in the life of each individual. By nurturing culture, society actually nourishes itself and the way it will be perceived in the world. It is a well-known fact that strong cultures leave a strong impact in the history of the world. I do not think that BiH does enough to nurture its culture, as shown by the closure of the National Museum in Sarajevo. Although BiH has very vivid and interesting history and although the culture of BiH is a mixture of different cultures that dominated the region, BiH is not doing enough to emphasize and nurture its culturally and historically huge potential. And the question is who should be blamed for this situation – society or government institutions?

Jasmin Voloder, Sarajevo

If you travel outside of BiH, you will see how people keep every little thing from their past, and “sell it” to tourists, and about how every detail exists in some museum. You will also see how they cherish their culture and, above all, are proud of it. Unfortunately, we attach very little importance to all this and race to grab everything that globalization brings, while things of rarity are ignored. Our attitude towards culture is nothing but a picture of how we behave towards each other. If we are not aware of what we have, how can someone else be aware of it? Do we always have to wait for someone from the outside to come up and say you have this or that? I think that we need to work on ourselves so that every citizen is aware of what we have, and then reflect it further into the wider world.